Monday, November 16, 2015

These Foods Help You Stay Up Late

In fact, people usually work overtime, or work pressure, often work to a two points at night, when the dinner time has been separated by six or seven hours. The interval between the two meals is usually four or five hours. If the interval is too long, so that blood sugar is reduced, it will affect the work efficiency. So, people should stay up late supper.Saucepan Shanghai is a good restanrant.

Old man: for the elderly, as a result of the digestive function of the beginning of recession, not a meal to eat too much, but at the same time need to replenish enough nutrition. So the old man should eat meals, after dinner can be more appropriate to eat supper.
In fact, can not eat supper supper, can eat much more, depending on the size of individual. The stature is thin, night slightly eat supper is not a big problem; medium stature or originally partial fat people, will focus on the night of diet control, especially the energy intake.
Recommendations to the evening sleep late or easy to hungry people, can at dinner a bit more to eat, to extend food in internal validity period.

Snack food blacklist:
First of all, to avoid instant noodles, crisp bread, meat and other foods containing high oil. Because they are very slow digestion, will delay the time of gastric emptying, and may even affect the appetite of the second day breakfast.
Secondly, barbecue, fried, fried food, such as fried peanuts, shish kebab etc., they will adversely affect the gastric mucosa.
Third: evening fruit intake should be moderate, especially not to eat sugar more fruit, or may lead to urinate at night, affecting the quality of sleep.
Fourth, salty things to try to avoid, because this will cause you not to stop drinking, but also make the water difficult to discharge, not only affect the sleep, but also easily lead to second days of facial swelling.
Finally, supper in a large number of drinking coffee and tea, sympathetic nerve stimulation, easy to cause the visceral autonomic nervous system disorders.

Reasonable supper should meet the following requirements:
First of all, to lower the fat, less energy, high nutritional value;
Second, it is easy to digest, not to increase the burden of gastrointestinal, do not affect the work after the meal;
Third, there must be enough volume and enough sense of fullness;
Fourth, do not cause excitement, it is best to go to sleep, and eat a pleasant.

Which is to stay up late to eat good food:
Eat the side: when you need to stay up late to prepare some bread, cakes, biscuits, chocolate and other food, and drink or hot porridge with food, can quickly restore physical and heat.
At the same time, can also prepare some walnuts, pistachios, white melon seeds, raisins and other nuts food at home, these are very good role in the brain.
Drink: you can drink some tea, tea warm stomach; can also drink some hot milk, protein supplement; longan soaked drinks is also very good, to replenish the sugar and calories.
Warm porridge can not only replenish the heat, and it is easy to digest, is a very good tonic. For example, longan porridge stomach Yangxin; jujube congee buxueyiqi; oatmeal good nutrition digestion. At the same time, black sesame paste and lotus root starch, easy to eat, is also a good choice when staying up late.

Night should not eat, if you really want some supper, please! Please go to BonApp to find the restaurant you like.

More reading:
Local Restaurant Search

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